Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Grilled Dijon Chicken

2 skinless chicken breasts (thawed)
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1/4 cup Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh herbs (parsley, thyme, etc.)
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 Tbsp. olive oil

Preheat grill (or broiler). Blend all ingredients together and spread liberally over chicken breasts. Place chicken on grill (or broiler pan) and grill (broil) for five to ten minutes on each side (or until the center is no longer pink). Serves 2.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Nutritional Information: (per serving)

Calories: 314 Protein: 38g Fiber: 4g Carbs: 6g Fat Total: 15g Saturated Fat: 2 g

Friday, July 15, 2011

My "Why"...and alittle extra!

My "why" for being healthier is ultimately for my daughter! I want to set a good and healthy example for her. I want to be able to run around with her outside and NOT be winded! I don't want to be out of breath from going up a flight of stairs. I want to achieve things that I've always wanted to do...but was to scared to try! I want to have that SEXY body that I've never had before..and I'm gonna get it! I'm gonna reduce my chance of health risks, I want to help others, I want to reduce obesity, I want to inspire and motivate others, and I've always wanted to own my own business!

After I had my daughter 6 years ago, instead of losing weight..I gained weight. In fact, at my heaviest I was a whopping 218 pounds!!! I was diagnosed with insulin resistance..and I knew something had to change! Although, I was NOT motivated and I did nothing about it, until after my divorce..I call it the "divorce diet!" There's just something about your husband leaving you for another woman..that gets you motivated to get the ball rolling! I lost 60 pounds!! However it wasn't the healthy way..mainly from stress, cutting back my eating, and portions. I did put half of that weight back on over time, and I wanted a "quick fix" to get it back off, so I did the hCG diet a couple years ago. I was successful with losing 20 pounds! It did teach me to eat healthier after the diet, and I did keep half of that weight off and started going to the gym 3-4 days a week. I would NOT recommend the hCG diet to ANYONE!! It is NOT a HEALTHY diet at all..so PLEASE DON'T TRY IT!(Most people gain all weight back or even more!) I did the gym thing off and on for about a year, and then noticed I wasn't going as much.

My friend/coach, Scottie Hobbs was doing P90X and posting his blog on Facebook, I would read it on a regular basis. He was so inspiring to me, watching his transformation right before my eyes was unbelievable! I HAD to try it for myself! So I along with a friend decided to try P90X this last March. We then switched to TurboFire after about a month and a half and definitely LOVE it! I have also switched up my routines with Insanity, Brazilian Butt Lift, running and pretty much anything that interests me! I've change my diet completly. I try to eat as "clean" as possible. I've noticed an improvement in my health and energy level and I'm LOVING it!

I have lost a total of 19 pounds and 23 inches! I still can't believe it! I've also ran two 5k's so far this summer..and there's more to come! I'm getting ready to start Insanity Asylum August 1st, and I would love to climb the Grand Tetons this summer as well!

The one thing that I have learned through my fitness journey...is sometimes people get uncomfortable when they see you change! That's because they feel like they're "supposed" to as well. There are ALWAYS gonna be a few negative ones..but's all about surrounding yourself with positive people! That's why I am so grateful to have the support of my wonderful team and support groups...and I want to thank ALL of you for being there for me, along with God,my loving family and wonderful friends that are supporting me through my transformation! I couldn't do it without you!

I've had my fair share of hard times. Maybe not as bad as others, or maybe more than the average..reguardless I've learned from each chapter in my life and it's made me grow into the strong woman I am today!

I'm truly honored to be apart of The Bombshell Dynasty through Beachbody! I've never met so many inspiring, motivational and successful people in my life! I'm still in the beginning stages of my newest chapter of life..and I'm LOVING it! I just advanced in rank to an Emerald coach yesterday, and it's my goal to be a Diamond coach by Christmas!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tilapia with Mushroom Sauce

I logged onto my Beachbody account to find a recipe for tilapia..I'm still trying to find new ways to cook it! I found this amazing recipe..I HAD to share it! =)

(4 servings)

•8 ounces mushrooms, medium, fresh
•1/4 teaspoon salt
•1 1/2 pounds tilapia fillets
•1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
•1/8 teaspoon black pepper
•6 fluid ounces chicken broth, fat-free, low-sodium
•2 fluid ounces milk, fat-free
•1 teaspoon cornstarch

•Heat oil in a large, non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle 1/8 teaspoon of salt over fish. Add fish and sauteĆ© 4 minutes on each side, or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Remove fish from skillet and keep warm.
•Add remaining 1/8 teaspoon of salt, mushroom slices and pepper to skillet; sauteĆ© for 4 minutes or until golden.
•Combine chicken stock, milk and cornstarch and stir with a whisk. Add stock mixture to skillet and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
•Reduce heat to medium and cook 1 minute. Spoon sauce over fish to serve.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Change Your Life NOW!

Beachbody has done it again..but this contest is absolutely UNREAL!!! YOU have the chance to win $100,000! Not to mention all the other insane prizes!!

Through this challenge, I will be your coach! I want to help you along with many others to become healthier and to reach their goals!

The NEW Beachbody Challenge (win $100K!)
It’s the Million Dollar Body Game®–Reinvented! Starts August 1, 2011.
So many prizes. Such little time:
o Commit to Get Fit and be eligible to win $100,000.00! Two winners(1 female, 1 Male)
o Coaches nominated by each $100,000.00 winner will win $20,000.00.
o Each finalist will take home $25,000.00.(3 Female, 3 male)
o Coaches nominated by each finalist will win $5,000.00
o $500.00 daily prizes
o $1,000.00 monthly prizes

So there will be 4 female winners(3 finalist and 1 grand prize winner) and same goes for the males.

All you have to do is "Commit to be Fit." Pick whatever workout program you want to use, and submit your results for a chance to win BIG PRIZES!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Eating Tips

Nutrition is vital for maintainting health and optimum weight. Did you know that 80% of nutrition shapes a lean healthy body? That means only 10% is genetics and the other 10% is training! Most people thing it's the other way around. That's why it is so important to be cautious of what we eat, and also is what's responsible for our figure!

2/3 of adults are obese, and 1 out of 5 kids are over weight. This IS a growing epidemic! If we don't start changing with ourselves and teach our children how to eat healthy, these numbers will continue to grow.

We as Americans, live in a fast-paced world, with fast-food stores on every corner. Not to mention the options to super-size it, extra sauces, and etc. There is close to nothing nutritional on those menus. Yes, it is convenient when we're in a hurry, or getting home late from work. But, if you prepare your meals for the week (from scratch)it's really not that time consuming either!

So how can we start eating healthier and cleaner?

- Start by eating 5-6 small meals a day

- Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up
- Eat a combo of lean proteins and complex carbs at EACH meal
- Eat 2-3 servings of healthy fats daily
- Drink 2-3 liters of water daily
- Pack healthy foods with you, in a cooler or lunch pack.
- Rely on fresh fruits and veggies for fiber, vitamins, and enzymes
- Use PROPER portion sizes

What NOT to do:

- Avoid over-processed foods (flour, sugar)
- Avoid foods containing preservatives and are chemically charged
- Avoid artificial sugars
- Avoid artificial foods (processed cheese slices)
- Saturated and trans fats
- Avoid sodas and juices (drinks high in sugar)
- Limit or avoid alcohol
- Avoid calorie-dense foods containing no nutritional value
- NO super-sizing meals! ;)

The basics:

- Eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day
- You want to eat 55% complex carbs, 27% lean proteins and 18% healhy fats, which equals your daily total healthy nutrition.
(Note: this is just to give you an idea..you don't have to have the exact percentages!)

Examples of Lean Proteins:

-Low-fat cottage cheese
-Lean ground turkey
-Pork tenderloin
-Beef tenderloin
-Chicken breasts
-Raw nuts, unsalted
-Tuna, packed in water
-Fat-free plain yogurt
-Fish, tilapia, salmon, cod
-Almond, rice,or soymilk
-Natural butters


We want to have complex carbs in our diet, because they are high in fiber and improve our digestion. Not to mention, stabilize blood-sugar levels. What are comlex carbs? Veggies, fruits, and whole grains.

Simple carbs are mainly sugar and flour, and they break down easy and tend to leave us hungry, because they send our blood-sugar levels out of control. Fruits are simple carbs, but are also full of fiber, which helps with digestion.

-Brown rice
-Cream of wheat
-Whole grain pasta

-Sweet potatoes
-Split peas

-Beet greens
-Brussels sprouts

-Citrus fruits
-Passion fruit

Healthy Fats:

-Olive oils

I hope these healthy tips help you with your nutrition! I know that they help me! I've recently purchaced The Eat Clean Diet Recharged by Tosca Reno
and that's where I got all this wonderful info from!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do you ever struggle with eating healthy??

When we FINALLY make the commitment to live a healthier lifestyle, it's not the EASIEST thing to switch to "clean eating!" I know that I have personaly struggled with this, and I'm continuing to learn from others and LOVE to share what I learn! =)

I started a 90-day Summer Slim Down Challenge with many others..I KNOW healthy eating is going to play a BIG role in seeing my results! Knowing what to eat, when to eat, what I'm getting enough of..will I have to make seperate meals for my daughter and I, and so forth.

I thought it would be helpful to share some of the things that I'm eating on a daily basis, that is helping me continue to lose weight at a healty rate! =)

I try to stick to 50% proteins, 30% carbs and 20% fats. I also eat 5 times a day to keep my metabolism going. Being on a high protein diet helps enhance fat loss! When we eat carbs, we want to eat complex carbs (slow digesting carbs)

***Some examples of complex carbs are:
-whole grains
-brown rice
-oatmeal (not instant)
-whole wheat

**These foods will slow down your digestive system and will keep you fuller longer.

*If you don't like green tea, you may want to reconsider! Green tea has been proven to help with fat loss! =)

*Don't skip meals. When you skip meals, this slows down your metabolism. You should be eating 5 times a day to increase your metabolism.

-AM Snack
-PM Lunch

*Make sure you're making healthy choices with your eating. Remember..if you're skipping breakfast, that does not help you cut calories! Try smaller portion sizes.

*Drink PLENTY of water! You should be drinking ATLEAST 8 glasses of water a day!

*Did you know..lack of sleep can cause your body to have more food cravings, especially high in sugar and in fat. Make sure you get enough sleep to rest your muscles!

*Drink water 30 minutes before EVERY meal! This can help reduce the amount of food you eat during your meal. Don't drink sugary drinks. (soda, fruit juices, etc.)

*Eat on a smaller plate or cut your portions in half. This will help avoid any overeating.

**I hope these tips help you, I know they help me! I will keep adding to this list over time! I'm also in the process of putting together a "healthy recipe" collection as well! =)

I hope you enjoyed, and have an amazing day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Eating healthy...easier said than done! =)

Have you ever wanted to start working out, or a diet and haven't been 100% successful at it? Or you find it challenging to balance healthy eating and exercise?

Making healthy food choices are important and tend to be ignored. This doesn’t mean you have to exclude your favorite foods; you just have to make healthier choices.

I haven’t always eaten healthy, but when I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistance 5 years ago, I decided I better do something to change it. Although, it wasn’t until 3 years ago when I really started to eat cleaner and incorporating exercise and have lost a total of 50 pounds. My weight did fluctuate over those 3 years, up and down 5-10lbs, until I found someone that truly inspired me!

Some of you may know my Coach, Scottie Hobbs..I remember that he commited himself to fitness about a year ago, and shared his journey with all his friends and family through a blog and on Facebook! Seeing his journey through P90X and watching his transformation, really got me motivated to change once and for all! =)

I started my journey with P90X this recent March, and have really enjoyed it! Adding up the inches I've lost and the weight, keeps me going! I'm getting ready to start TurboFire and soon Brazilian Butt Lift! =)

In order to get the results that I want for myself, I have to eat a healthy diet! I thought I was doing good, but then getting some tips from other fellow Coaches..I've learned to make even a better change!

I want to set an example for my daughter, Alexis. I want her to grow up knowing what are healthy choices. I've been blessed with a girl that is NOT a picky eater, so she will pretty much eat anything I do! ;)

I recently took a survey with fellow classmates, to find out how much fruits and veggies they were getting in a day. According to my class, 79% are eating fruits and vegetables, but are only getting one-third of the actual serving size per day. The actual serving size is 2c. for fruit and 2-3c. for veggies a day.
A recent survey done by the Centers for Disease Control reports, that only one-third of Americans eat the recommended 2 servings of fruit a day and vegetables are even worse, Americans eat a quarter of the recommended 3 servings a day.
Individuals may not be getting the right nutrients if they’re not getting adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diets.

If we don’t start to change our eating lifestyle, set positive examples for our family, children, and friends then our health will be at greater risk.
Between 1980 and 2004 obesity doubled. There are many risks including: diabetes, hypertension, cancers, cardiovascular disease, and of course mortality. The main cause of this is from unhealthy foods, increased food intake, and physical inactivity.

If we try to educate our family and friends on the importance of a healthy diet, we can eliminate certain risk factors in life.
The worries of losing a loved one to a health problem due to their diet would be very detrimental, knowing that it may have been preventable.
Wouldn’t it feel good to know that you are doing your part on maintaining you’re health, and to have the overall feeling of knowing you’re healthier?

To have a positive outcome, it starts with talking with your family and
educating them! =)

I will give you an example of what I eat on a given day:

***Morning: 1c. egg whites or oatmeal with unsweetened almond milk and frozen blueberries! (Yummy

***AM Snack: either my oatmeal, 1/2c. of Kashi Go Lean cereal, or 8oz. cottage cheese

***Lunch: Shakeology, or tuna fish w/o bread and side of fruit

***PM Snack: Lite string cheese, almonds, or veggies w/ hummas

***Dinner: 6oz of protein (fish, chicken) and usually a salad

I hope this gives you an idea, of how to eat! Remember..you're not getting the proper nutrients your body needs from processed foods!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! =)
Also, if you're interested in joining me on my fitness journey, I would LOVE to help you achieve your goals! Either message me on FB or sign up for your FREE membership at http://beachbodycoach.com/melissa1981 and I would love the privilege to be your Coach!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Why Shakeology...you may ask??

I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical myself on this wonderful product! But, I decided that if I'm going to be a coach, I want to be able to stand behind the products that I'm selling. After signing on as a coach in April, I immediatley ordered Shakeology. I wanted to try this "cleanse" that evryone has been talking about, and finally see for myself. I followed the directions like I was supposed to, and I didn't feel like I was starving and it wasn't until the 3rd day when I was real tired. (But, that could have been a combo of things: finals, late nights, and the cleanse!)
The next morning I couldn't WAIT to weight myself..I looked at my scale...3 pounds, I had lost that first day! 3 POUNDS!!!...So, day two and three I continued following the cleanse directions, to my amazement...I lost a total of 6 POUNDS!! Right there, I knew I was a believer! I've tried cleanses before and was not this successful. Since incorporating Shakeology in my daily eating as either a snack or a meal replacement, I've noticed alot more energy. I go do bed at a decent time, and I don't struggle to wake up the next morning!

I would recommend this to anyone! I think cleanses are a great way to rid your body of toxins!

The Shakeology cleanse would be perfect, if you've been stilling at a plateau, if you're starting a new diet or fitness program. It's not very hard at ALL and super effective! It's $45 for the 3 days supply (you get 8 packets which makes 12 shakes because you use 3/4 a packet per shake) You drink 3 shakes a day... You can drink them plain, but I always add half a ...banana and/or strawberries to give it a yummy "smoothie" taste! Here is the schedule during the cleanse:

Wake up: Drink green tea or coffee (plain)

Hour later: Drink 1st shake (add fruit) Big glass of water

2 hours later: Optional piece of fruit

Lunch: 2nd shake (add fruit, optional) Big glass of water

2 hours later: Optional fruit... 2nd shake and plain green tea or coffee.

Dinner: Salad with 4oz of chicken or white fish (light vinaigrette dressing) Big glass of water

Dessert: 3rd Shake & big glass of water

UNLIKE a lot of other cleanses, you don't starve your body of all the essential nutrients, it's quite the opposite, you actually take ALL the processed foods OUT of your diet and feed your body all of the nutrients it craves! (the shake has over 70 all natural ingredients with every vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and phytonutrient it needs)

I lost 6 pounds from the cleanse, and I have many friends who have ranged from 3-7 pounds! =)

You will have a few extra shakes for the few days after... If you like it you can order a month supply (that is the way they are intended to be used... as a daily nutrition shake to replace one meal.) But the cleanse is a good way for people to try it out and see what it can do for them!

If you're interested in trying this cleanse, or even a sample..please message me and let me know! =)