Friday, June 10, 2011

Eating Tips

Nutrition is vital for maintainting health and optimum weight. Did you know that 80% of nutrition shapes a lean healthy body? That means only 10% is genetics and the other 10% is training! Most people thing it's the other way around. That's why it is so important to be cautious of what we eat, and also is what's responsible for our figure!

2/3 of adults are obese, and 1 out of 5 kids are over weight. This IS a growing epidemic! If we don't start changing with ourselves and teach our children how to eat healthy, these numbers will continue to grow.

We as Americans, live in a fast-paced world, with fast-food stores on every corner. Not to mention the options to super-size it, extra sauces, and etc. There is close to nothing nutritional on those menus. Yes, it is convenient when we're in a hurry, or getting home late from work. But, if you prepare your meals for the week (from scratch)it's really not that time consuming either!

So how can we start eating healthier and cleaner?

- Start by eating 5-6 small meals a day

- Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up
- Eat a combo of lean proteins and complex carbs at EACH meal
- Eat 2-3 servings of healthy fats daily
- Drink 2-3 liters of water daily
- Pack healthy foods with you, in a cooler or lunch pack.
- Rely on fresh fruits and veggies for fiber, vitamins, and enzymes
- Use PROPER portion sizes

What NOT to do:

- Avoid over-processed foods (flour, sugar)
- Avoid foods containing preservatives and are chemically charged
- Avoid artificial sugars
- Avoid artificial foods (processed cheese slices)
- Saturated and trans fats
- Avoid sodas and juices (drinks high in sugar)
- Limit or avoid alcohol
- Avoid calorie-dense foods containing no nutritional value
- NO super-sizing meals! ;)

The basics:

- Eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day
- You want to eat 55% complex carbs, 27% lean proteins and 18% healhy fats, which equals your daily total healthy nutrition.
(Note: this is just to give you an don't have to have the exact percentages!)

Examples of Lean Proteins:

-Low-fat cottage cheese
-Lean ground turkey
-Pork tenderloin
-Beef tenderloin
-Chicken breasts
-Raw nuts, unsalted
-Tuna, packed in water
-Fat-free plain yogurt
-Fish, tilapia, salmon, cod
-Almond, rice,or soymilk
-Natural butters


We want to have complex carbs in our diet, because they are high in fiber and improve our digestion. Not to mention, stabilize blood-sugar levels. What are comlex carbs? Veggies, fruits, and whole grains.

Simple carbs are mainly sugar and flour, and they break down easy and tend to leave us hungry, because they send our blood-sugar levels out of control. Fruits are simple carbs, but are also full of fiber, which helps with digestion.

-Brown rice
-Cream of wheat
-Whole grain pasta

-Sweet potatoes
-Split peas

-Beet greens
-Brussels sprouts

-Citrus fruits
-Passion fruit

Healthy Fats:

-Olive oils

I hope these healthy tips help you with your nutrition! I know that they help me! I've recently purchaced The Eat Clean Diet Recharged by Tosca Reno
and that's where I got all this wonderful info from!

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