Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do you ever struggle with eating healthy??

When we FINALLY make the commitment to live a healthier lifestyle, it's not the EASIEST thing to switch to "clean eating!" I know that I have personaly struggled with this, and I'm continuing to learn from others and LOVE to share what I learn! =)

I started a 90-day Summer Slim Down Challenge with many others..I KNOW healthy eating is going to play a BIG role in seeing my results! Knowing what to eat, when to eat, what I'm getting enough of..will I have to make seperate meals for my daughter and I, and so forth.

I thought it would be helpful to share some of the things that I'm eating on a daily basis, that is helping me continue to lose weight at a healty rate! =)

I try to stick to 50% proteins, 30% carbs and 20% fats. I also eat 5 times a day to keep my metabolism going. Being on a high protein diet helps enhance fat loss! When we eat carbs, we want to eat complex carbs (slow digesting carbs)

***Some examples of complex carbs are:
-whole grains
-brown rice
-oatmeal (not instant)
-whole wheat

**These foods will slow down your digestive system and will keep you fuller longer.

*If you don't like green tea, you may want to reconsider! Green tea has been proven to help with fat loss! =)

*Don't skip meals. When you skip meals, this slows down your metabolism. You should be eating 5 times a day to increase your metabolism.

-AM Snack
-PM Lunch

*Make sure you're making healthy choices with your eating. Remember..if you're skipping breakfast, that does not help you cut calories! Try smaller portion sizes.

*Drink PLENTY of water! You should be drinking ATLEAST 8 glasses of water a day!

*Did you know..lack of sleep can cause your body to have more food cravings, especially high in sugar and in fat. Make sure you get enough sleep to rest your muscles!

*Drink water 30 minutes before EVERY meal! This can help reduce the amount of food you eat during your meal. Don't drink sugary drinks. (soda, fruit juices, etc.)

*Eat on a smaller plate or cut your portions in half. This will help avoid any overeating.

**I hope these tips help you, I know they help me! I will keep adding to this list over time! I'm also in the process of putting together a "healthy recipe" collection as well! =)

I hope you enjoyed, and have an amazing day!

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog! It's great to have an example and ideas!
