Friday, May 6, 2011

Why may ask??

I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical myself on this wonderful product! But, I decided that if I'm going to be a coach, I want to be able to stand behind the products that I'm selling. After signing on as a coach in April, I immediatley ordered Shakeology. I wanted to try this "cleanse" that evryone has been talking about, and finally see for myself. I followed the directions like I was supposed to, and I didn't feel like I was starving and it wasn't until the 3rd day when I was real tired. (But, that could have been a combo of things: finals, late nights, and the cleanse!)
The next morning I couldn't WAIT to weight myself..I looked at my scale...3 pounds, I had lost that first day! 3 POUNDS!!!...So, day two and three I continued following the cleanse directions, to my amazement...I lost a total of 6 POUNDS!! Right there, I knew I was a believer! I've tried cleanses before and was not this successful. Since incorporating Shakeology in my daily eating as either a snack or a meal replacement, I've noticed alot more energy. I go do bed at a decent time, and I don't struggle to wake up the next morning!

I would recommend this to anyone! I think cleanses are a great way to rid your body of toxins!

The Shakeology cleanse would be perfect, if you've been stilling at a plateau, if you're starting a new diet or fitness program. It's not very hard at ALL and super effective! It's $45 for the 3 days supply (you get 8 packets which makes 12 shakes because you use 3/4 a packet per shake) You drink 3 shakes a day... You can drink them plain, but I always add half a ...banana and/or strawberries to give it a yummy "smoothie" taste! Here is the schedule during the cleanse:

Wake up: Drink green tea or coffee (plain)

Hour later: Drink 1st shake (add fruit) Big glass of water

2 hours later: Optional piece of fruit

Lunch: 2nd shake (add fruit, optional) Big glass of water

2 hours later: Optional fruit... 2nd shake and plain green tea or coffee.

Dinner: Salad with 4oz of chicken or white fish (light vinaigrette dressing) Big glass of water

Dessert: 3rd Shake & big glass of water

UNLIKE a lot of other cleanses, you don't starve your body of all the essential nutrients, it's quite the opposite, you actually take ALL the processed foods OUT of your diet and feed your body all of the nutrients it craves! (the shake has over 70 all natural ingredients with every vitamin, mineral, amino acid, and phytonutrient it needs)

I lost 6 pounds from the cleanse, and I have many friends who have ranged from 3-7 pounds! =)

You will have a few extra shakes for the few days after... If you like it you can order a month supply (that is the way they are intended to be used... as a daily nutrition shake to replace one meal.) But the cleanse is a good way for people to try it out and see what it can do for them!

If you're interested in trying this cleanse, or even a sample..please message me and let me know! =)

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